Saturday, August 31, 2019
Assignment †Distributed Computing Essay
The CTO is still impressed with your work. He just came back from a technology exposition where he heard about computer clusters. All he knows is that they are the big thing for businesses and he wants to explore the technology. Write a five page research essay explaining computer clustering, benefits, challenges, and potential applications. Essay should focus on one type of clustering application (file server, database, load balancing, web hosting, data processing) and detail the use potential setup (high availability or load balancing), type (COTS vs. blade clusters) and network connectivity. Requirements: Essay should be five pages of content presenting an explanation of computer clustering, benefits, challenges, and potential applications. Minimum concepts to cover and explain in the essay are: clusters, high availability, load balancing, COTS vs. blade clusters, network connectivity for computers in a cluster. Paper should conform to the APA style and hence will be longer because, of course, you will include a title page, abstract, table of contents, and a references page in addition to the actual content pages required Written Assignment requirements: Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion. Assignment Requirements/ Grading Rubric 1. Demonstrated college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English 2. Examined the concept of clusters and provided well documented explanation 3. Examined and explained the use of clusters to provide high availability and load balancing 4. Examined computer clustering benefits, challenges, and potential applications 5. Demonstrated good understanding of the technologies and provided good arguments and explanations to back up assertions and points
Friday, August 30, 2019
Feminism And Gender Equality In The 1990’s
Overall, the rights and status of women have improved considerably in the last century; however, gender equality has recently been threatened within the last decade. Blatantly sexist laws and practices are slowly being eliminated while social perceptions of â€Å"women's roles†continue to stagnate and even degrade back to traditional ideals. It is these social perceptions that challenge the evolution of women as equal on all levels. In this study, I will argue that subtle and blatant sexism continues to exist throughout educational, economic, Women who carefully follow their expected roles may never ecognize sexism as an oppressive force in their life. I find many parallels between women's experiences in the nineties with Betty Friedan's, in her essay: The Way We Were – 1949. She dealt with a society that expected women to fulfill certain roles. Those roles completely disregarded the needs of educated and motivated business women and scientific women. Actually, the subtle message that society gave was that the educated woman was I remember in particular the searing effect on me, who once intended to be a psychologist, of a story in McCall's in December 1949 called â€Å"A Weekend with Daddy. A little girl who lives a lonely life with her mother, divorced, an intellectual know-it-all psychologist, goes to the country to spend a weekend with her father and his new wife, who is wholesome, happy, and a good cook and gardener. And there is love and laughter and growing flowers and hot clams and a gourmet cheese omelet and square dancing, and she doesn't want to go home. But, pitying her poor mother typing away all by herself in the lonesome apartment, she keeps her guilty secret that from now on she will be living for the moments when she can escape to that dream home n the country where they know â€Å"what life is all about. †(See I have often consulted my grandparents about their experiences, and I find their historical perspective enlightening. My grandmother was pregnant with her third child in 1949. Her work experience included: interior design and modeling women's clothes for the Sears catalog. I asked her to read the Friedan essay and let me know if she felt as moved as I was, and to share with me her experiences of sexism. Her immediate reaction was to point out that â€Å"Betty Friedan was a college educated woman and she had certain goals that never interested me. My grandmother, though growing up during a time when women had few social rights, said she didn't experience oppressive sexism in her life. However, when she describes her life accomplishments, I feel she has spent most of her life fulfilling the expected roles of women instead of pursuing goals that were mostly reserved for men. Unknowingly, her life was controlled by traditional, sexist values prevalent in her time and still prevalent in the nineties. Twenty-four years after the above article from McCall's magazine was written, the Supreme Court decided whether women should have a right to an abortion in Roe v. Wade (410 U. S. 113 (1973)). I believe the decision was made in favor of women's rights mostly because the court made a progressive decision to consider the woman as a human who may be motivated by other things in life than just being a mother. Justice Blackmun delivered the Maternity, or additional offspring, may force upon the woman a distressful life and future. Psychological harm may be imminent. Mental and physical health may be taxed by child care. There is also a distress, for all concerned, associated with the unwanted child, and there is the problem of bringing a child into a family lready unable, psychologically and otherwise, to care for it. In other cases, as in this one, the additional difficulties and continuing stigma of unwed motherhood may be involved. I feel the court decision of Roe v. Wade would not have been made in 1949. Even in 1973, it was a progressive decision. The problem of abortion has existed for the entire history of this country (and beyond), but had never been addressed because discussing these issues was not socially acceptable. A culture of not discussing issues that have a profound impact on women is a culture that encourages women to be powerless. The right of abortion became a major issue. Before 1970, about a million abortions were done every year, of which only about ten thousand were legal. Perhaps a third of the women having illegal abortions – mostly poor people – had to be hospitalized for complications. How many thousands died as a result of these illegal abortions no one really knows. But the illegalization of abortion clearly worked against the poor, for the rich could manage either to have their baby or to have their abortion under A critic of the women's movement would quickly remind us that omen have a right to decline marriage and sex, and pursue their individual interests. However, I would argue that the social pressure women must endure if they do not conform to their expected role is unfair. The problem goes beyond social conformity and crosses into government intervention (or lack thereof). The 1980's saw the pendulum swing against the women's movement. Violent acts against women who sought abortions became common and the government was unsympathetic to the victims. There are parallels between the Southern Black's civil rights movement and the women's movement: Blacks have long been ccustomed to the white government being unsympathetic to violent acts against them. During the civil rights movement, legal action seemed only to come when a white civil rights activist was killed. Women are facing similar disregard presently, and their movement is truly one for civil rights. A national campaign by the National Organization of Women began on 2 March 1984, demanding that the US Justice Department investigate anti-abortion terrorism. On 1 August federal authorities finally agreed to begin to monitor the violence. However, Federal Bureau of Investigation director, William Webster, declared that he saw no evidence of â€Å"terrorism. †Only on 3 January 1985, in a pro-forma statement, did the President criticize the series of bombings as â€Å"violent anarchist acts†but he still refused to term them â€Å"terrorism. Reagan deferred to Moral Majoritarian Jerry Falwell's subsequent campaign to have fifteen million Americans wear â€Å"armbands†on 22 January 1985, â€Å"one for every legal abortion†since 1973. Falwell's anti- abortion outburst epitomized Reaganism's orientation: â€Å"We can no longer passively and quietly wait for the Supreme Court to change their mind or for Congress to pass a law. Extremism on the right was no vice, moderation no virtue. Or, as Hitler explained in Mein Kamph, â€Å"The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence. (See This mentality continued on through 1989 during the Webster v. Reproductive Health Services (109 S. Ct. 3040 (1989)) case. â€Å"The Reagan Administration had urged the Supreme Court to use this case as the basis for overturning Roe v. Wade. †(See Endnote #5) It is disturbing that the slow gains achieved by the women's movement are so volatile and endangered when conservative dministrations gain a majority in government. To put the problem into perspective: a woman's right to have an abortion in this country did not come until 1973. Less than two decades later, the president of the United States is pushing to take that right away. It seems blatant that society is bent on putting women in From the above examples, it appears American culture prefers women as non- professional, non-intellectual, homemakers and mothers. This mentality is not easily resolved, because it is introduced at a young age. Alice Brooks experienced inequality on the basis of her race and her sex. In her autobiography, A Dream Deferred, she recalls the reaction of her father when she brought up the idea of college to him: I found a scholarship for veterans' children and asked my father to sign and furnish proof that he was a veteran. He refused and told me that I was only going to get married and have babies. I needed to stay home and help my mother with her kids. My brother needed college to support a family. Not only was I not going to get any help, I was also tagged as selfish because I wanted to go This is another example of women being labeled as selfish for wanting the same opportunities as men. Alice Brooks is a very courageous woman; seemingly able to overcome any oppression she may encounter. During her presentation to our class, she said that â€Å"women who succeed in male dominated fields are never mediocre – they are extraordinary achievers. Her insight encapsulates much of the subtle sexism that exists today. I feel that no one can truly be equal in a society when only the â€Å"extraordinary achievers†are allowed to succeed out of their This attitude of rising blatant and subtle attacks on women's civil rights is further exemplified in recent reactions to affirmative action plans. These plans have been devised to try to give women and minorities an opportunity to participate in traditionally white male dominated areas. However, we see the same trends in legal action for the use of affirmative action plans as we saw in the 1980's backlash against the Roe v. Wade decision. A few interesting points were presented in the case, Johnson v. Transportation Agency, Santa Clara (480 U. S. 616 (1987)). Mr. Paul E. Johnson filed suit against the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency when he was denied a promotion, feeling the company's affirmative action plan denied him of his ivil rights. Some interesting facts were presented in this case: Specifically, 9 of the 10 Para-Professionals and 110 of the 145 Office and Clerical Workers were women. By contrast, women were only 2 of the 28 Officials and Administrators, 5 of the 58 Professionals, 12 of the 124 Technicians, none of the Skilled Crafts Workers, and 1 – who was Joyce – of the 110 Road Maintenance Workers. (See Endnote # 7) The above statistics show women have been considerably underrepresented at the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency. These numbers are not uncommon and are found throughout business. It is interesting to note the current popular perception is that affirmative action precludes white males from finding employment with companies that implement these plans. The truth is in the numbers, however. The fact that Mr. Johnson felt he was denied his civil rights because an equally qualified woman was given a promotion, instead of him, is just a small window into the subtle sexism that exists today. Most critics of affirmative action do not consider the grossly unequal numbers of men in management and professional positions. Secondly, it never seems an issue of debate that a woman may have had no other previous life pportunities in these male dominated areas. I do not intend to argue that affirmative action is good or bad, but only wish to point out that the current backlash against these programs is heavily rooted in sexism and racism. Often blatant violence or unfair acts against a group of people will cause that group to pull together and empower themselves against their oppressors. The women's movement has made large steps to eliminate many of these blatantly sexist acts in the last century. Now the real difficulty is upon us: subtle acts of sexism and the degrading social roles of women in today's onservative culture. Alice Brooks so eloquently described her experiences with inequality, stating, â€Å"the worse pain came from those little things people said or did to me. †As these â€Å"little things†accumulate in the experience of a young woman, she increasingly finds herself powerless in her relationships, employment, economics, and society in general. The female child has as many goals as the male child, but statistically she is unable to realize these goals because of the obstacles that society sets in front of her. Society and media attempt to create an illusion that women have every right that men enjoy.
Online Shopping for Electronic Products Essay
â€Å"The Internet has changed how information is communicated and processed. People use the Internet for different purposes, including communicating with friends, researching and monitoring online stock prices, trading stock, paying bills, banking, and shopping. Growing numbers of consumers purchase goods and services, gather product information, or just to browse online†(Demangeot & Broderick, 2007). People today are indeed bombarded with technology. Most people cannot get through the day without their laptops or smart phones, especially for today’s youth. Since today’s college students were raised in a technological age. â€Å"It is no surprise that internet usage among college respondents has seen a marked increase in recent years†(Budden et al, 2007). â€Å"Most college students surveyed enjoy shopping online†(Arnaudovska et al, 2010). Online shopping gradually appears in people’s lives, especially in college students’ life. â€Å"Online shopping is the process whereby consumers buy goods or services directly from a seller in real time over the Internet. Online shopping environments are, therefore, playing an increasing role in the relationship between marketers and their consumers†(Demangeot & Broderick, 2007). Therefore, internet is not only indeed playing an important role today, but also in the future. â€Å"In the city of the future, bricks-and-mortar retailers will be just as savvy as their online counterparts. In recent years, the convenience of purchasing almost anything via the Internet has driven the decline of numerous chains. Stores don’t have the data websites do, so they don’t understand their customers as well. However, they’re increasingly experimenting with new ways to lure you into their aisles, analyze your patterns and fine-tune their offering-just as the websites have done for years†(Castaldo, J. 2012). For sales of electronic products online, according to US Census’s E-Stats, 2009 E-commerce Multi-sector Report (2011), it increased from 5,848 million dollars in 2003 to 17,684 million dollars in 2009. The Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce announced at November 16, 2012 that â€Å"the estimate of U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the third quarter of 2012 was $57.0 billion, an increase of 3.7 percent from the second quarter of 2012. Total retail sales for the third quarter of 2012 were estimated at $1,092.2 billion, an increase of 1.4 percent from the second quarter of 2012. The third quarter 2012 e-commerce estimate increased 17.3 percent from the third quarter of 2011 while total retail sales increased 4.6 percent in the same period. E-commerce sales in the third quarter of 2012 accounted for 5.2 percent of total sales.†( U.S. Census Bureau, 2012) According to the research by Yulihasri et al (2011), â€Å"Among all the proposed students differences factors, compatibility and usefulness have been found as the most significant to influence students’ attitude for shopping on Internet and attitude, normative-beliefs have been found as the most significant to influence students’ intention for shopping on Internet. The idea of salient beliefs including compatibility, ease of use, usefulness and security are highly relevant that influence students’ attitude towards on-line shopping, except privacy. However, attitude strongly associated to intention.†The purpose of this study is to investigate college students’ attitudes toward online shopping for electronic products by using Fishbein And Ajzen’s theory of reasoned action (Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). As well as what factors influence people generally on their decision. Shopping online has very different characteristics from shopping in a store. Some of these characteristics may contribute to consumers’ intention to shop online, while others may discourage them. In addition to consumers’ psycho-graphics and demographic backgrounds that likely affect their attitudes toward and intentions of shopping online, the fact that the Internet is accessible and therefore merchandise is widely available is important. According to Laudon et al. (2012), Approximately 80 million households have broadband access to the Internet in 2010, representing about 68 percent of all households. About 83 million Americans now access the Internet using a smartphone such as an iPhone, Droid, or BlackBerry. Mobile e-commerce has begun a rapid growth based on apps, ring tones, downloaded entertainment, and location-based services. In a few years, mobile phones will be the most common Internet access device. In addition, according to Hasslinger et al. (2007)’s research, they identified price, trust and convince as the primary concern when people shopping online.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Japanese influence on Van Gogh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Japanese influence on Van Gogh - Essay Example Personally, Van Gogh has never been to Japan, and all of his understandings of Japan come from his studies of woodblock prints. Today, Van Gogh is most well known for his later works during his stay at the Saint Paul-De-Mausole hospital. The works demonstrated his latest development on formal techniques of the vortexes and thick strokes reflecting his mental illness. He was able to learn the principle of Japanese beauty through the lens of landscape genre of ukiyo-e and apply it to the landscapes of Arles. The encounter of Van Gogh's both Impressionist thoughts, and Japanese prints amid his stay in Paris is obvious in works, for example, Fritillaries in a Copper Vase, in which the convoluted states of the descending pushing yellow petals and their spiky foliage are set off by a dark blue foundation flicked with bits of yellow and spots of lighter blue, with underpinnings of red. The picture appears to battle into being, weighted by a devastating heap of color, maybe the coincidental consequence of van Gogh's determination to make the sheer aggregation of paint the transporter of feeling. It's just as he declined to quit taking a shot at a photo, adding more color to it, until he felt that some sort of visual identicalness for feeling had been accomplished. Van Gogh's comprehension of the traditions of Japanese prints is apparent, as seems to be, maybe, his attention to Japanese materials, however these works of art talk the same amount of to his own pleasure in tight center and close e xamination - or to his yearning for the quieting impact of looking steadily at a piece of turf that he portrays in his letter to Wilhelmina - as they do to his enthusiasm for the disentanglements of Japanese models.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Using Expository Text in the Secondary Classroom Essay - 1
Using Expository Text in the Secondary Classroom - Essay Example Moreover, Hall, Sabey, and McClellan (2005) indicate that effective use of expository text between early childhood and middle school classrooms helps decrease the decline in reading scores. Akhondi, Malayeri, and Samad (2011), in complementing claims by Hall, Sabey, and McClellan (2005), show that teachers may find teaching expository texts and their structures as an effective technique for improving the common reading achievements. The structure of expository text is such that it facilitates the study process in prospective readers because the structure contains elements that guide a student through the reading. Students who comprehend the concept of expository text structure as well as the way to analyze it are capable of learning more than their counterparts who lack this understanding. Therefore, students’ comprehension skills in reading improve when they acquire this knowledge with regard to the development of text structure and its proper use (Akhondi, Malayeri & Samad, 2011). Knowledge of rhetorical relations between main ideas and sustaining details enhances a reader’s comprehension of expository text. This results from text features in expository texts capable of helping a reader to find and organize information within a text. For instance, heading in middle school text introduces a student to detailed bits of information, which helps the student to keep each bit of information within the short-term memory. This allows the student to process or even connect the information to background knowledge and later store it to the long-term memory. Without headings, information presented in expository text would be overwhelming to the middle school students because it would be difficult to process it effectively (Akhondi, Malayeri & Samad, 2011). Since expository texts’ structural elements vary, it is essential that middle school students be introduced to the components throughout the year. This
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Western versus Modern Film Art Comparison Research Paper
Western versus Modern Film Art Comparison - Research Paper Example Western films are mostly devoted to telling of stories that pertain to the latter half of the nineteenth century or even earlier. The themes are very much about change and transformation, the change that was brought about when primitive ways were replaced by more civilized, advanced methods (Pitts, 1997). They may be about Civil Wars or important battles. They may even be about the Industrial Revolution and other such milestones in today’s history. Although they pertain to American history alone, these western films have gained popularity worldwide because of the commercial spices added and the perfection attained in recreating history. The popular perception of the western movies is that they always have a storyline that centers on the life of a cowboy or a gunfighter and how he uses the codes of honor and private justice to eradicate all evils around him which usually include a herd of villains and get the love of his life eventually. Western firms are mostly about morality. They seek to give a message to the viewer, it may be a simple message as that of spreading love or it may be a more complicated message like working hard to benefit not the present but the future generations. Isolated and harsh settings are often used such as that of forts, ranches, deserts etc to show how the Native Americans lived (Hyams, 1984). The western films, no matter what message they are intended to portray, always show the complete and true American civilization- one that is full of music, women, gambling, violence, and love. Western films include a variety of sub-genres. There are the classics such as Godfather trilogy and The Big Country that was released in 1958. There are also the contemporary Western movies that have the same essence in a modernized setup, for example, Hud which was released in 1963.Â
Monday, August 26, 2019
A Long Short Screenplay and Step Outline about homelessness and hunger Research Paper
A Long Short Screenplay and Step Outline about homelessness and hunger among the working poor - Research Paper Example We used up all the money that I got last week. I also went to a friend of mine, he was broke as well, but he gave me a dollar. Let us go find something to eat. Alex and Tom, who are two 20 year old homeless individuals who work at a certain car wash in the streets, sit on a hip of garbage. They look so discouraged. They are so dirty that the people passing by do not want to get close to them. Alex looks at Tom and smiles. My friend, we have not eaten now for three days. That work at the car wash is not worth it man. It would be better to just sit and do nothing, than tire ourselves with that worthless job. This life keeps getting harder and harder. I wish I was in a school Tom, and I also wish I had a family. They both nod their heads in agreement to that. Tom looks to the left, and as if expectedly, sees Peter and Phyllis walking out of the wooden hotel outside Brands mini-shop. Peter also sees the two, and walks towards them. There is no work at the car wash, since the beginning of this week; we have only washed one car. Otherwise, we are glad that we are still alive sir. But we are very hungry; imagine we have not eaten for three days. Peter puts his right hand into the polythene bag and brings out an even smaller black polythene paper and hands it over to the boys. The boys smile and thank Peter and his wife. Peter smiles back at them, and together with his wife, they leave. As they leave, Alex and Tom eat the food gluttonously. Annette’s face is suddenly filled with gloom. She wishes her son could understand how hard things are. She works in a hardware office by the road side as a cleaner, but she does not get much from it. She goes and sits beside her son But we know those boys, how mean can you be? What if they were your kids? Okay, if you feel bad about that, then why don’t you eat all of that food yourself? Since all you ever think about is your stomach. Annette looks at Phyllis, and knows that she is hiding
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Basquiat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Basquiat - Essay Example Though there were trying situations from his early childhood onward, he managed to find the most appropriate ways to counter them and to be exact in his road to fame. He painted as an artist who never bothered of restrictions and he had nothing to lose. Basquiat fought against many distressing situations in his life and rose to attain recognition by the year 1980 through 'The Times Square Show'. He collaborated with many artists of his time, including art-writers, curators, and collectors, to form a group which later came to be called as the Neo-expressionist movement. Though the painter developed to be one of the most realized artists of his time, his friends were worried about his extreme drug consumption, unpredictable behavior etc. Before he died at his 27 due to mixed-drug toxicity, he had achieved significant recognition. For a complete understanding of the life and artistic works of Basquiat, it is pivotal to depend on the authentic bibliography on him. However, the value of t he visual means along with the written word cannot be overlooked. In fact, the visual media has been able to offer a greater awareness of Basquiat's life. Therefore, though Basquiat has been memorialized through the biopic in 1996 by Julian Schnabel as well as the best selling biography of Basquiat by Phoebe Hoban in 1998, the former has a greater value to the audience as it offers a complete picture of the life of the artist through various aspects such as music and the sound effects, the effect of acting, and the other visual effects. This paper deals with a comparison between the reading and the film in order to suggest why the visual representation has a superior validity in understanding the life of Basquiat. Through his biography of Basquiat, Phoebe Hoban was able to create a true picture of the artist's life, but it was never a complete picture to the readers, as many often he failed to relate to the powerful emotion of the readers. Basquiat is represented as the most notorious artist who failed to accomplish his goals. Hoban presents the life of this great artist as cashed in on both fame and greed which were the characteristics of the 1980s. "Basquiat's life spanned an historic shift in the art world, from Pop to Neo-Expressionism, from hip to hype." (Hoban) To the biographer, graffiti was only the beginning for the painter and he soon involved with a New York scene which considered art as an element of the whole array of media. "'Artists were mixing up their media,' Phoebe Hoban suggests, and 'music film, painting and fashion were recombining in innovative ways' at the end of 1970s and early 1980s." (Thompson, 68) According to Hoban, Basquiat's stylistic qualities are part of establi shed African-American aesthetic traditions. The biography of Basquiat suggests why the artist was able to accomplish as a great painter. Accordingly, his contemporary world as well as the subsequent periods failed to recognize the "qualities in Basquiat's paintings and to concentrate instead'on his celebrity lifestyle'" (Thompson, 69) Similarly, the art movement of the time also failed to achieve a significant impact on the scenario. The biography Basquiat by Hoban,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Politics of the knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Politics of the knowledge - Essay Example The two scientists strongly contest the objectivity of the contemporary knowledge and advocate new model of knowledge acquisition that encompasses feminist constructivist views and thereby delineating gender biases. Harding (1986) asserts that feminist theorists are objective in their hypotheses which are ‘free of gender loyalties’ (p. 138). At the same time, they also tend to ensure that women’s activities are fully represented within the broader scope of the social relation with the existing environment. The Marxist’s analysis of bourgeois labor becomes contentious as it ignores women’s experiences and therefore, need to be redefined to include women’s contribution to social life at all levels of interaction. Harding says that while subjectivity is inherent in the feminist epistemologies, the cultural production of gender identity necessitates greater understanding of changing social structure that ‘resists the continuation of the distorting dualities of modernism’ (p. 161). She emphasizes that feminist empiricism is pertinent as it challenges the androcentric biases. Indeed, women as enquirer considerably enhance objectivity of science. Haraway (1988) posits objectivity at the center of her arguments as male dominancy at all levels of scientific knowledge promotes biases in social constructions of not only identities but also in the social activities. She believes that feminist objectivity would help to translate knowledge across communities and power differentiated groups in a bias free manner. She says that more critical theories are required to construct meaning in order to ‘build meanings and bodies that have a chance for life’ (p. 25). The feminist objectivity highlights ‘situated knowledges’ (p. 26) that encourages paradoxical perspectives within scientific enquiry. She insists that there is no room for relativism within knowledge as it blurs the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Design a class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Design a class - Essay Example Morgan Company. This test will take no longer than 45 minutes and will be provided online in a computerized format to test knowledge and current abilities to help ensure that the information within our course is going to be highly beneficial and not redundant for your employees. The projected course will include many different topics that will be covered over a two-to-three day time period. Meals will be provided for the staff members each day, and the course will begin promptly at 7:30am and continue until 6:00pm, or until all final questions have been answered for the day. The proposed topics for the course will include Hardware, Basic trouble shooting, Software, Operating systems, Microsoft Office, Basic O/S & software trouble shooting, Peripherals, Mobile, Security, The Internet – better search, Cloud computing, Use of Web 2.0, Intranet applications, File management, and Logging on remotely. Each of these areas of computerized technology are important for staff members to understand at a novice level in order to make the daily workload much easier to handle and to provide each staff member the ability to properly use time efficiently. We will help train the J.P. Morgan staff members on the customary uses of each of these topics and their actual b enefits in the workplace by providing hypothetical, yet realistic, examples from the type of work that would be performed. The course will be provided in an in-person and remote format to help provide better training. Half of the time will be spent in a course room that will involve question-and-answer lectures and power point presentations to help show step-by-step procedures for the content. This first half is designed to teach the general understanding of the software or hardware, and performance tactics that are being discussed. The second half will be performed remotely with each student having access to the course on a computer. Through our patented online system, we will be
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Rent Controls In The Big Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rent Controls In The Big Apple - Essay Example There are different levels of control, however: pre-1947 buildings, rent stabilization buildings, and unregulated apartments. The one section of society that loses out in this arrangement is the poor. Sixty years after the temporary measure of rent constraints were introduced, the state government will discuss the state of this policy soon; it will likely be continued for the foreseeable future. There was, however, an attempt to rid the market of these price restraints back in 1997. A debate ensued between the Republican-dominated Senate and the Democrat-led assembly. The result of this argument was that a compromise was reachedâ€â€23,000 renters were freed of rent constraints out of a group as large as one million. The â€Å"lucky†people who qualified for this arrangement had to be extremely wealthyâ€â€household incomes of more than $175,000 per year for a period of two years, or those renting apartments that cost more than $2,000 per month. The result of this decisi on was that the poor remained under strict price controls. One thing that was hidden in that agreement was that the next date to re-consider rent constraints would change to a year without elections, thus taking politics out of the decision as much as possible. Since 1997, New York’s politics and markets have changed to the extent that not too many people are likely to oppose rent constraints now. Most economic experts do not support rents constraints because it severely affects the supply and demand markets and results in unwanted side effects. Many landlords and tenants do not have the freedom to work out their own deals; they are locked into whatever agreement is decided by the law. One consequence of the ill-nature between landlords and tenants is that the law makes it virtually impossible for a landlord to evict a criminal. Henry Pollakowski, an economist at the MIT Center for Real Estate, says
Public Enterprises Essay Example for Free
Public Enterprises Essay What are the Objectives of Public Enterprises? SOUMYA SINGH In India, public enterprises have been assigned the task of realising the objectives laid down in the Directive Principles of State Policy. Public sector as a whole seeks: (a) to gain control of the commanding heights of the economy, (b) to promote critical development in terms of social gain or strategic value rather than on consideration of profit, and (c) to provide commercial surplus with which to finance further economic development. The main objectives of public enterprises in India are as follows: 1. Economic development: Public enterprises were set up to accelerate the rate of economic growth in a planned manner. These enterprises have created a sound industrial base for rapid industrialisation of the country. They are expected to provide infrastructure facilities for promoting balanced and diversified economic structure of development. 2. Self-reliance: Another aim of public enterprises is to promote self-reliance in strategic sectors of the national economy. For this purpose, public enterprises have been set up in transportation, communication, energy, petro-chemicals, and other key and basic industries. . Development of backward Areas: Several public enterprises were established in backward areas to reduce regional imbalances in development. Balanced development of different parts of the country is necessary for social as well as strategic reasons. 4. Employment generation: Unemployment has become a serious problem in India. Public enterprises seek to offer gainful employment to millions. In order to protect jobs, several sick units in the private sector have been nationalised. 5. Economic surplus: Public enterprises seek to generate and mobilise surplus for reinvestment. These enterprises earn money and mobilise public savings for industrial development. 6. Egalitarian society: An important objective of public enterprises is to prevent concentration of economic power and growth of private monopolies. Public sector helps the Government to enforce social control on trade and industry for ensuring equitable distribution of goods and services. Public enterprises protect and promote small scale industries. 7. Consumer welfare: Public enterprises seek to protect consumers from exploitation and profiteering by ensuring supply of essential commodities at cheaper prices. They aim at stabilising prices. 8. Public utilities: Private sector is guided by profit motive. Therefore, it is reluctant to invest money in public utility services like water supply, gas, electricity, public transport. Therefore, the Government has to assume responsibility for providing such services. 9. Defence: Government has to set up public enterprises for production of defence equipment. Supply of such equipment cannot be entrusted for private sector due to the need for utmost secrecy. 10. Labour welfare: Public enterprises serve as model employers. They ensure welfare and social security of employees. Many public enterprises have developed townships, schools, college and hospitals for their workers. Role and Rationale of Public Enterprises The public sector has been playing a vital role in the economic development of the country. In fact the public sector has come to occupy such an important place in our economy that on its effective performance depends largely the achievement of the countrys economic and social goals. Public sector is considered a powerful engine of economic development and an important instrument of self-reliance. The main contributions of public enterprises to the countrys economy may be described as follows: 1. Filling of gaps: At the time of independence, there existed serious gaps in the industrial structure of the country, particularly in the field of heavy industries. Basic and key industries require huge capital investment, involve considerable risk and suffer from long gestation periods. Private sector concerns do not come forward to establish such industries. Public sector has helped to fill up these gaps. The basic infrastructure required for rapid industrialisation has been built up, through the production of strategic capital goods. The public sector has considerably widened the industrial base of the country and speeded up the pace of industrialisation. 2. Employment: Public sector has created millions of jobs to tackle the unemployment problem in the country. Public sector accounts for about two-third of the total employment in the organised industrial sector in India. By taking over many sick units, the public sector has protected the employment of millions. Public sector has also contributed a lot towards the improvement of working and living conditions of workers by serving as a model employer. 3. Balanced regional development: Private industries tend to concentrate in certain regions while other regions remain backward. Public sector undertakings have located their plants in backward and untraded parts of the country. These areas lacked basic industrial and civic facilities like electricity, water supply, township and manpower. Public enterprises have developed these facilities thereby bringing about complete transformation in the social-economic life of the people in these regions. Steel plants of Bhilai, Rourkela and Durgapur; fertilizer factory at Sindri, machine tool plants in Rajasthan, precision instruments plants in Kerala and Rajasthan, etc. are a few examples of the development of backward regions by the public sector. 4. Optimum utilisation of resources: Public enterprises make better utilisation of scarce resources of the country. They are big in size and able to enjoy the benefits of large scale operations. They help to eliminate wasteful completion and ensure full use of installed capacity. Op timum utilisation of resources results in better and cheaper production. 5. Mobilisation of surplus: The profits earned by public enterprises are reinvested for expansion and diversification. Moreover, public sector concerns like banks and financial nstitutions mobilise scattered public savings thereby helping the process of capital formation in the country. Public enterprises earn considerable foreign exchange through exports. 6. Self reliance: Public enterprises have reduced considerably the need for imports by producing new and better products within the country. These enterprises are also earning considerable amount of foreign exchange through exports. 7. Socialistic pattern of society: Public sector is an instrument for realising social objectives. Public enterprises help to check concentration of wealth and private monopolies. These enterprises can serve as powerful means of economic and social change. 8. Public welfare: Public enterprises help in the establishment of a welfare state in the country. These enterprises supply essential commodities at cheaper rates. A proper balance between demand and supply is created to protect consumers against exploitation by profit hungry businessmen. Public enterprises also protect and promote the interests of workers. Criticism of Public Enterprises [Arguments against Public Enterprises] Public enterprises are opposed on account of weaknesses in their organisation and working. These enterprises generally suffer from the following problems: 1. Delay in completion: Often a very long time is taken in the establishment and completion of public enterprises. Delay in completion leads to increase in the cost of establishment and benefits extracted from them are delayed. 2. Faulty evaluation: Public enterprises are in some cases set upon political considerations. There is no proper evaluation of demand and supply and expected costs and benefits. There are no clear cut objectives and guidelines. In the absence of proper project planning there is under- utilisation of capacity and wastage of national resources. . Heavy overhead costs: Public enterprises often spend huge amounts on providing housing and other amenities to employees. Though such investment is useful for employees but it takes away a large part of capital and the project suffers from financial difficulties. 4. Poor returns: Majority of the public enterprises in India are incurring loss. In some of them the profits earned do not yield a reasonable return on huge investment. Lack of effective financial controls, wasteful expenditure and dogmatic pricing policy result in losses 5. Inefficient management: Due to excessive centralisation of authority and lack of motivation public enterprises are managed inefficiently. High level posts are often occupied by persons lacking necessary expertise but enjoying political support. 6. Political interference: There is frequent interference from politicians and civil servants in the working of public enterprises. Such interference leaves little scope for initiative and freedom of action. Public enterprises enjoy little autonomy and flexibility of operations. 7. Labour problems: In the absence of proper manpower planning public enterprises suffer from over-staffing. Jobs are created to fulfil employment goals of the Government. Guarantee of job in these enterprises encourages trade unions to be militant in pursuing their aims. Growth of Public Enterprises in India At the time of independence, public sector in India was confined mainly to railways, communications, defence production and public utility services. Since then the growth of public enterprises has been very rapid. Now public sector consists of public utilities (e. g. , railways, post and telegraph, etc), manufacturing concerns (e. g. , BHEL, SAIL, etc. ), trading organisations (e. g. STC, MMTC, etc. ), service organisations (e. g. , NIDC, RITES, etc. ). SAIL, a Maharatna Company of Govt. of India, is the worlds leading and Indias largest steel producer with an annual turnover of around Rs. 50,348 crore (FY11-12). It operates and owns 5 integrated steel plants at Rourkela, Bhilai, Durgapur, Bokaro and Burnpur and 3 special steel plants at Salem, Durgapur and Bhadravati. As part of its g lobal ambition the Company is implementing a massive expansion plan involving project work of building/adding new facilites with emphasis on state of the art green technology. List of Maharatna, Navratna and Miniratna CPSEs As per available information (as on February, 2013) Maharatna CPSEs Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Coal India Limited GAIL (India) Limited Indian Oil Corporation Limited NTPC Limited Oil amp; Natural Gas Corporation Limited Steel Authority of India Limited Navratna CPSEs Bharat Electronics Limited Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited National Aluminium Company Limited NMDC Limited Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited Oil India Limited Power Finance Corporation Limited Power Grid Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Rural Electrification Corporation Limited Shipping Corporation of India Limited Miniratna Category I CPSEs Airports Authority of India Antrix Corporation Limited Balmer Lawrie amp; Co. Limited Bharat Dynamics Limited BEML Limited Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Bridge amp; Roof Company (India) Limited Central Warehousing Corporation Central Coalfields Limited Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited Cochin Shipyard Limited Container Corporation of India Limited Dredging Corporation of India Limited Engineers India Limited Ennore Port Limited Garden Reach Shipbuilders amp; Engineers Limited Goa Shipyard Limited Hindustan Copper Limited HLL Lifecare Limited Hindustan Newsprint Limited Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited Housing amp; Urban Development Corporation Limited India Tourism Development Corporation Limited Indian Railway Catering amp; Tourism Corporation Limited IRCON International Limited KIOCL Limited Mazagaon Dock Limited Mahanadi Coalfields Limited Manganese Ore (India) Limited Mangalore Refinery amp; Petrochemical Limited Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited MMTC Limited MSTC Limited National Fertilizers Limited National Seeds Corporation Limited NHPC Limited Northern Coalfields Limited Numaligarh Refinery Limited ONGC Videsh Limited Pawan Hans Helicopters Limited Projects amp; Development India Limited Railtel Corporation of India Limited Rashtriya Chemicals amp; Fertilizers Limited RITES Limited SJVN Limited Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited South Eastern Coalfields Limited State Trading Corporation of India Limited Telecommunications Consultants India Limited THDC India Limited Western Coalfields Limited WAPCOS Limited Miniratna Category-II CPSEs Bharat Pumps amp; Compressors Limited Broadcast Engineering Consultants (I) Limited Central Mine Planning amp; Design Institute Limited Ed. CIL (India) Limited Engineering Projects (India) Limited FCI Aravali Gypsum amp; Minerals India Limited Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited HMT (International) Limited HSCC (India) Limited India Trade Promotion Organisation Indian Medicines amp; Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited M E C O N Limited National Film Development Corporation Limited National Small Industries Corporation Limited P E C Limited Rajasthan Electronics amp; Instruments Limited
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Handling Murder Scenes Investigations Criminology Essay
Handling Murder Scenes Investigations Criminology Essay Different areas tend to be prone to crime and hence the necessity of having appropriate interventions and measures which will be adopted in the handling of the murder scenes.The paper presents analyses of how law enforcers handle murder scenes and the health and legal risks associated with processing the crime scene. Conversely, it describes the strategies that should be developed by the typical law enforcement organization to improve their murder scene handling skills. Introduction Definitively, murder scene investigation refers to analytical use of physical evidence to deduce and obtain knowledge of the events surrounding the murder. This investigation is multidisciplinary and entails use of systemic search, observation and at times lab or forensic analysis of evidence. Handling and actions taken at the start of murder scene investigation plays an important role in the resolution of a case (Peterson, Mihajlovic Gilliland, 1998). A thorough investigation provides opportunities that make sure the latent physical evidence is not contaminated or likely witnesses overlooked, since if handled badly it would lead to both health and legal risks.Going by the global standards and individual country legislations, its vital for security personnels to demonstrate understanding of how to handle crime scenes (Bicheno , Elliot,1997). Personnel given a mandate of handling murder crime scenes need to have the necessary knowledge and skills that will enable them to obtain necessary evidence. Ultimately, the assessment of risk at murder scenes is an indication that anything can happen in crime scenes and its important to observe caution in order to avoid problems associated with processing of evidence. How Law Enforcement Handle a Murder Scene The great importance of carrying out murder scene investigation is to produce identification and evidence that can be used to disclose the cause of death and to obtain facts that can be used to bring the culprit to book, in case of murder. Murder scene investigation involves a meeting place of law, logic and science. Processing and handling of the murder scene is very tedious and long process that involve recognition, identification, documentation, collection of evidence and analyzing of the collected evidence. In case of suspected murder crime, law enforcers move in as investigators, where they first seal the area of murder. This is necessary to prevent contamination of the murder scene from curious onlookers. After sealing the scà ¨ne, investigators from law enforcement agency analyze the murder scene and makes sure that nothing has been moved .Here they are able to generate preliminary hypothesis based on visual examination (Bodziak, 2009). With the analysis done, the law enforcers are able to clearly describe the extent of murder crime. Apart from sealing the murder scene, the police secure the core area where they suspect a large amount of evidence is concentrated. After sealing the entire area, law enforcers then move to the district attorney s chambers where they obtain search warrants .This is important because at times some people could have prospects of privacy in portions of the murder scene. Also if not done legally, the whole investigation process would be of little importance since the findings wont be admissible in courts (Eliopulos, 2003). The law enforcers also call for any specialist and additional tools they think would be necessary during the process. The law enforcers also talk to first responders to determine if anything was moved or touched, and give details of anything they saw or heard during the occurrence of the murder crime. During this process, law enforcers touch nothing. Secondly, they scrupulously document the murder scene by taking pictures and drawing rough drafts. At times, they use video to document the scene in details without touching anything. After documenting the scene, law enforcers then engage in the collection of potential evidence, where they tag, log and package the evidence in plastic containers for laboratory analysis. The evidence is kept intact from where its transported in a safe manner for analysis. The evidence collected is labeled accordingly in relation to place of collection, date, and type of evidence collected. Before moving the body, the law enforcers analyze the body carefully for any evidence. Here they check for marks, cuts, bruises or stains on the victims body. They also check if anything is missing such as watches, rings and other personal effects (Peterson, Mihajlovic Gilliland, 1998). After collection of all evidence, the evidence is analyzed.DNA fingerprinting which is also known as forensic-DNA analysis is the common method used by law enforcers to analyze the evidence. This analysis is most reliable and affordable in such kind of scenes where for instance the body has been shot severally, burnt or even disfigured. With connection to these, the analysis provides faster mode of identification once established in such kind of scenes. Despite the benefits of dealing with DNA evidence, the evidence should not be collected unless the information is relevant to the murder crime in question. This implies that the proceedings should be undertaken under given instructions from either the regulatory bodys or the involved medical experts. Strategies of Handling Murder Scene Effectively in Relation to Law Enforcers To develop efficient strategies that would promote effective handling of murder scenes by law enforcers, it is quite necessary to have good management structures and operations within the institutions dealing with crime issues in order to promote performance within the given organization. In that case, there has been the need for different crime handling agencies to effectively adopt a number of measures that will help them in promoting teamwork and concept of working together. Problems involved in processing and handling of murder crime scenes can be mitigated by adequately training the individuals involved on better procedures and ways of handling evidence (Bodziak,2009) .As well, community involvement and awareness is also important in making sure members of the public have an idea of avoiding crime scene disturbances and dont contaminate themselves. This kind of learning and training makes sure all individuals engage in activities that do not promote murder scene and evidence con tamination.Another approach to this practice involves identification of the potential hazards which appear to be in scenes of crime and include mitigation measures which should be implemented by all.Once the problems have been identified, the next advancement is to come up with adequate plan that provide fundamental ways into how deal with exposures at the murder crime scene (Eliopulos, 2003). Issues of Law Enforcers Face in the Process of Murder Scene Investigation Many law enforcers are involved in murder scene investigations and they do encounter countless tribulations in response to how they handle evidence. For them, any action taken in the scene has some level of destructive effect on the scene and in application of justice. Sometimes scenes are degraded and altered and negative data is obtained which at times is used to convict innocent individual. Poor processing of murder scenes tends to convict innocent people and leave real culprits free and this represents injustice in the society (Bodziak,2009) Drastic changes in political and economic conditions have increased regulations and state litigation hence processing of murder crime scenes has been neglected due to strict procedural formats from the government ,as a result, individuals conducting investigations have been subjected to work without adverse training thus limiting murder scene processes. Sometimes murder crime experts like CSI personnel and law enforcers like the police, are faced with the dilemma of consulting higher authority and regulatory bodies, before conducting murder scene investigations. Indeed, this makes them loose their independence since; most of the scenes are at times thronged by curious onlookers, who have little or no knowledge of crime scene management (Bicheno Elliot, 1997). Legal inflexibility on the part of the law enforcers have contributed to challenges which force them to follow strict crime scene processing procedures which at times are time consuming and non cost effective. Investigators are required to make quick decisions even in fragile cases and legally this lead to negligence. At times there are legal problems in situations where investigators have personal stake in case. Effectiveness of the murder scene processing is lost due to the loss of neutrality in policing and close association with court systems. Other legal issues relating to murder scenes processing include technical barriers between crime scene investigators and legal practitioners. Another issue is that, an investigator may get concrete evidence to convict a criminal and yet the court disregards it. Lack of coordination between the law enforcers and courts slow down scene processing and limit justice (Peterson, Mihajlovic Gilliland, 1998). Inherent Medical and Health Risks Associated with Murder Crime Scenes, Evidence and Evidence Handling and Processing. Mostly the unintended contamination of murder scenes emerges as one of the major problems associated with murder scene handling and processing. Law enforcers involved in Murder scene investigation usually perform their works in scenes that are hazardous to their health and health of others, and this is due to coming in to contact with them. Most investigators duties entails processing of murder crime scenes and mostly they use dangerous chemicals and fingerprint powders which when accidentally ingested are life threatening. Some chemicals used are carcinogenic while others tend to cause long term Health hazards (Eliopulos, 2003). Despite the use of powders and chemicals in processing crime scenes, investigators are also susceptible to whole lots of other medical problems and hazards. Biological samples like urine, saliva, semen and blood are always handled routinely and if the victims had contagious diseases like HIV, measles and other sexually transmitted infections, probability of accidents occurring and infecting them is quiet high since majority of them have no protective clothings (Bodziak,2009) .When processing murder scenes, at times investigators use equipments like lasers, electro static dust lifters and other electrical appliances which when not handled well can cause electric shock, damage to eyes and even death. Also most law enforcers suffer from traumatic Stresses due to grotesque scenes they see when handling cases and also due to strenuous working conditions. Generally, most murder scene investigators and law enforcers are usually taken for granted and unappreciated, but they should never compromise their health (Bicheno Elliot, 1997). Conclusion Law enforcers are served with responsibility of making our community safe .They are required to investigate and arrest individuals suspected of murder crimes. Proper handling of these scenes is significant in making sure that justice has been achieved. In conclusion, Personnel given mandate of handling murder crime scenes need to have necessary knowledge and skills that will enable them to obtain necessary evidence that is indispensable in solving any murder case.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
IPO Pricing: Underwriter and Litigation Risk Impact
IPO Pricing: Underwriter and Litigation Risk Impact Going to public fund is one of the strategies to company to getting additional fund. Before that, company must publish their share to bursa Malaysia before invite the public to buying their share. But for unlisted company they cannot simply publish their share to public and they must be listed in bursa Malaysia first. With that they must publish their prospectus when the first time they want to issue share to public and this is we called Initial Public Offering (first time going to public). Background In Malaysia history of IPO are begin when Malaysia stock market was establish as the Malaysian stock exchange in 1960. 1n 1973 the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Berhad (KLSEB) and Singapore Stock Exchange (SES) are begin to replace the Malaysia Stock Exchange. In that time number of company that issuing IPO is not more to 500 companies. From 1973 until 2007 the IPO trend is showing quickly publish. In 1973 the number of listed company only 262 and up until 2007, Malaysia stock market have 1028 company. This rapid increase in the number of new listings is attributed to a number of factors, mainly to raise financing for expansion, to reduce the cost of new funds and to reduce the level of leverage (Shamsher et al., 1994). In 1980, the market valuation in Bursa Malaysia is about RM43 billion and reach to a trillion ringgit in year 2007. It happen when many companies are started to going public fund. Apart from that in year 1991 to 2003 the individual retailers have constituted more than 85% of the market player in bursa Malaysia IPO. Compared to the individual retailers group, the institutional investors group is reporting a smaller average at 2.05%. The remaining 6.47% of the market participants is consisting of others. From the 1984 to the 1995 the newly issue of IPO on the main board on KLSE is 173 company. Similar like that, when certain company wants to issuing the IPO, they are requiring by law to allocate 30% for Bumiputra investor. The main objective is to ensure the Bumiputra has own shareholding at least 33% on the entire market share. The pricing of IPO in Malaysia are regulated by Security Commission (SC) and it only take place when ministry of Trade and Finance (MITI) and Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) have giving their consent to the listing. It means the SC has make valuation on company in term of company financial statement and performance to evaluate whether certain company is really valuable to publish on the bursa Malaysia. One of the differential and unique IPO in Malaysia is, major of shareholder and the promoting bank (underwriter) have the choice to provide the profit guarantee not less than 90% on forecast profit on prospectus. Another way, the prospectus of company must be publish in Bahasa or English language and it must submitted to MITI, FIC and SC and the first trading is about in 12 month. The company, is not to seek approval the right issue from the SC during the 12 month they are listing, because actually the time between companies submit prospectus date to the SC for approval right issue to start trading is about 6 month. Recent reforms in Government Linked Companies (GLCs) are expected to improve performance and encourage private investment. More than 40 GLCs are listed, comprising less than 10% of Malaysias GDP. Changes in management, adoption of performance based contracts for management and implementation of key performance indicators (KPIs) are some of the reform that has been underway since April-May 2004. Merger and Aquistion (MA) actively declined in volume terms, due to a lack of very large transaction. Nonetheless, the number of MA transactions has remained stable over the past two years. Singapores Temasek Holdings acquired large minatory positions in Malaysia banking and plantations companies. In the automotive industry, Chery Automotive, a Chinese assembler has announced plans to earmark Malaysia as their regional distribution hub, while Proton reached a deal to assemble Volkswagen Cars and distribute them in Southeast Asia. Proton, Sime Darby and Telecom Malaysia have all announced acquisitions of foreign companies too. 1.2 Problem Statement Initial public offering (IPO) one of the manners to company get additional fund thru equity funding, when certain company wants to increase their operation, but it not sufficient fund of borrowing they can officially going to public fund primary market (when first time company going to public). In other words, this IPO tend use by small growth firm to increase their capital and to issuing new capital. This company must be perfectly evaluating certain cost, i.e. cost of underwriting, attorney fee, cost of management time allocation to the lawsuit, reputation cost and so on. All of these cost potentially become liability for a small company in the first time they issue IPO. The first problems of the research are to identify about the underwriter effect on IPO. Apart from underwriter, second areas on this research will looks on information of the companies, information also can become higher cost for issuer, they will incur cost to encourage information generation prior to the IPO and after the IPO because issuer want giving good impression to customer about their company. But for customer, cost will be incurred when they want searching strong information about certain company profile. Basically, IPO will be determining by investment bank and IPO firm managements to setting up IPO price (offer price spread). This to make comparison, between company offer price (company determine IPO price) and what actual price should be offer by company. On top of that, potential litigation costs are quite significant for firms that have recently gone public. Attorney fees, the costs of management time allocated to the lawsuit, reputation costs, and settlement costs represent an enormous potential liability for a young firm. The last areas we will look on relation between risk and IPO in an aspect of the litigation-risk, where the firms with higher litigation risk will affect their IPO? 1.3 Approach of the Study In research we have two methods, firstly we have quantitative and second the qualitative (Gubra and Lincon, 1994). In our research the quantitative method will be chosen with the purpose of this study because it able to value observation, precise measurement, statistical analysis, data collection is fix/cannot manipulate, variable truth and the most important is the hallmark good quantitative research are reliability and validity of data collection. After data are already collected it will be need to be edited, then data have to be coded and lastly data have to be key in and software programmed used to analyze the data. After data has been analyzed, we can make interpretation to getting conclusion about our research and make recommendation or suggestion to make improvement to Malaysia IPO. The final result also can be use for investor to do decision making about the attraction investment for them. 1.4 Scope of Study The scope of our research is consisting all company listed during 2000 until 2008 in Bursa Malaysia, whereby compasses 8 years in areas of to identity whether the Underwriter, Litigation and Prospectus will influence company pricing of IPO. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter we examine those factors generally considered to impact IPO performance to assess the extent to offering price is likely to be set and in setting the offering price. It is organized into two sections. The first section presents the historical of IPO and second section given the capital structure, secondary market return, litigation and prospectus in effected the IPO pricing. 2.1 Initial Public Offering Malaysia law define sale of expand authorize share of a company as new issue and the offer of share from the existing shareholder to the public is define as sale of share. The new issue market therefore consists of new issue and the sale of share of private company and government linked company to the public. Regulator approves new issue with elaborate care to ensure public interest is safeguard and the approval process may take up to a year in a large placement. Offering new issue to outsider help to raise finance for expansion and to obtain less costly source of new fund. Some research has been done by Fama 1984, company that listed in the New York market raise capital at a lower cost, the having from which amount to three quarter of one percent compare to unlisted company. Apart from that the investor has purchase of share listed in the secondary market obtain nominal yield, with are lower on average than in the new issue market. This extra return in a new issue market is the insider value factor which make offer price lower thus giving a high return. The over subscription of new issue keep feeding the frenzy for new issue. One study has suggest that the over subscription rate in Malaysia average 46 time (Dawson 1987, Yong 1991). Similar like that the new issues are price by the market at a much higher level than would be the case if (a) the new issue was equally like to be issue in bull or bear market and (b) there is no frenzy in wanting to subscribe to new issue. Because of the frenzy in the new market issue, there is practice pressure during the initial few month, which keep the price artificially high during this early period after listing. At the same thing, one would expect the price in the new issue market to attain normal level after the initi al few month when normal price unfettered by price pressure begin to emerge. For another part the new issue are substantially underprice in the Australian, UK, USA and the developed market. It similar behavior found in Malaysia because the offer price appears to be a deep discount of the initial day for market price. But the extent of underpricing is smaller in the developed market than in the developing market. The research finding on the IPO in the some developed country such as Australia, UK, USA and developing market such as Korea, Malaysia Singapore and other suggest an apparent underpricing of new issue because offer price appear to be a large discount off the initial listing day market prices. Considered again the long run share market return report in all these country, and the reward rate of those allocation new issue are substantially higher than normal rate of return in the secondary market of these country. Therefore, new issue should provide higher reward, which is the source of underpricing. apart from that the investment bankers try to reduce the offer risk and cost of underwriting by underpricing the issue. The present evidence of underpricing may also be due to the uncertainty about the real value of share and the related need to offer compensation to the investor for assuming the risk of the uncertainty. But for recent research has been done (Arif, Prasad, Shamsher and Annu ar 1994) contradict this widely disseminated explanation. Share appears to be issue at their intrinsic value but then price are bid up by an optimistic investment market, which wrongly interpret demand pressure as understanding. While Ross (1984) explain the underpricing of IPO using the idea of information asymmetry between informed and unimformed investor. He suggest that the asymmetry of information between the issuer and their investment banker is less relevant for pricing. 2.2 IPO and Secondary Market Returns Bradley et al (2009) examined IPO secondary market returns on the first day of trading during 1993-2003, and findings important things. First, there are open to close return are much larger than previously documented and potentially exploitable. It was averaging over 2% during the sample period. Second, we found that the market does not reach an equilibrium price until approximately 2 h into trading. Although this average is driven upwards by IPOs during bubble period. Third is that effect is persistent over the entire sample period, considered where they consider several non-mutually exclusive explanations, such as: price support by the lead underwriter, laddering, retail sentiment, and information asymmetry. They also examined the impact of retail sentiment on secondary markets return and found there were a strong positive relationship between the proportion of small trades and open to close returns consistent with the view that retail demand and sentiment can push IPO prices higher. But this argument assumes that these overoptimistic retail investors would ultimately experience a reversal. They also argue that information asymmetry can be in the form of aggregate demand uncertainty, which is unlikely to be resolved until the IPO opens for secondary market trading. 2.3 Company Capital Structure Basically firm has two source of fund, firstly they can use from internal fund and second for external fund. For internal fund they can use additional retain earning and also additional equity of shareholder and for external fund it can be use loan from financial institution and primary debt issue in the debt market. The capital structure theory is inconclusive about which factor determine borrowing level, expect providing the general idea that a firm ability to identify positive net present value investment should determine capital need, and further that a firm capital structure quality also determine the tax shield value from debt. Modigliani and Miller (1958) argue that the capital is not influence by a firm financing mix under the assumption that the capital market is perfect and there is no corporate tax. Average cost of capital will be lowering when market is imperfection and it increase value of the firm subsequent to borrowing. But for (Robicheck and Myer 1966, Hamada 1972) the firm financial risk will be increase when company has make decision to continuously borrowing. For another part if company is have extra debt, the shareholder risk will be higher. It happens because if these companies are going to bankruptcy, the first company obligation action is paying all their debt first. For (Gupta 1982) before company achieves maximum debt, the maximum value of the firm will always be reach first. Company has made decision going to public because they want to increase fund to run the business in big scale. For (Gordon 1990) examined the relationship between a firm financing structure and the company technology. His result has supported the idea that firm with high capital to labor ratio acquire financing to run it business. 2.4 IPO and Litigation risk In our study on litigation, Skinner (1994) finds that the threat of litigation potentially alters firms disclosure behavior, and Krishnan and Krishnan (1997) and Shu (2000) find that this same threat causes auditors to stay away from risky clients. We extend this line of research by documenting another effect of litigation risk, it leads IPO firms to lower their offer price as one form of insurance against future litigation. Tinic (1988) tests the litigation-risk hypothesis by comparing the IPOs prior to and subsequent to the 1933 Securities Act, which substantially increased the legal exposure of IPO issues. Alexander (1991) examines 17 computer-related IPOs in 1983. She finds that securities lawsuits were more likely filed when the dollar amount of the ex post stock price decline was sufficient to support the fixed cost of bringing a case. She also finds little variation among the settlements as a fraction of shareholder losses. Further, consistent with the deterrence effect of IPO, there is evidence that firms that engage in more IPO significantly lower their litigation risks, especially for lawsuits occurring closer to the IPO dates. After controlling for the endogeneity of initial returns and lawsuit probability, both the insurance and deterrence aspects of the litigation-risk. The simultaneous-equation framework used in this study is potentially useful for other settings. 2.5 IPO and Prospectus Information The process of taking a firm public enables firms owners to realize both personal and professional goals. Taking the firm public, for example, enables entrepreneurs who have invested considerable time and resources in building the firm to sell a portion of the firm, thereby providing personal funds as a reward for their efforts and enabling them to diversify their wealth (Rock, 1986). Moreover, the IPO helps entrepreneurs secure funding that allows them to pursue growth opportunities for the firm. As the firm grows, entrepreneurs may find themselves unable to secure increasing capital requirements to fund firm growth. Also, entrepreneurs may seek to avoid covenant-filled commercial loans that hinder their ability to take the risks necessary to pursue firm growth opportunities (Rock, 1986). Investment bankers are responsible for coordinating the stock offering for the IPO firms managers (Benviste and Spindt, 1989). They provide an invaluable source of guidance for IPO firm entrepreneurs and managers, most of whom will have had no prior experience with the complex, often lengthy, process of taking the firm public. In addition to facilitating the IPO process by counseling firms entrepreneurs and managers, investment bankers assume primary responsibility for effectively marketing the firms securities to the investment community. The investment bankers determine the offer price spread, which must be disclosed either in the preliminary prospectus or shortly after filing the registration statement in an amended prospectus. The actual offer price is not determined until the day prior to the stocks offering. This spread and offer price are of central importance to the entrepreneurs taking the firm public, as they determine the amount of funds the IPO firms owners can expect to raise as a function of the stock offering. Given their centrality in the IPO process, it is important to understand those factors that may assist investment bankers in their initial determination of the spread within which they believe the final offer price will be set and, subsequently, the final offer price. The price spread may provide an indication of the level of uncertainty surrounding the IPO. Uncertainty in the IPO context derives largely from the fact that the firm, while it may have an extensive operating history, has not previously operated under public scrutiny. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY This chapter are consist and will be discuss about the purpose of the study, population of study, data collection, independent variable, dependent variable, research modeling and the lastly the data analysis. 3.1 Population of Study The population of our research is consisting all company IPO from 2000 until 2008. We also want to identity whether the Underwriter, Litigation and Prospectus situation will influence the investor to make the investment and how they react to company announcement of IPO in the good economic situation. On top of that, we might look on about company performance before and after the 1997 Malaysia financial crisis on the areas of our study. 3.2 Data Collection To investigate the new IPO issue since 2000 until 2008, which had all the require information for analysis on our research. The public record in various issue of investor digest, daily diary and the company files from Securities Commission (SC) and Bursa Malaysia (BM) were accessed to obtain value for the variable. On top of that, requests for IPO prospectuses were sent to all firms undertaking IPOs in 2000 and 2008 as identified by the SC. 3.3 Independent Variables We rely on three independent variables for hypothesis testing, the first is the Prospectus Information. Founder CEO is a dichotomous variable with zero being a nonfounder CEO and one a founder CEO. CEO retained equity is calculated as the percentage of the IPO firms stock that the CEO will hold following the opening day of trading. These data are reported in the prospectus filing. Board composition is measured as the percentage of independent outside directors serving on the board. Board size is measured as the total number of directors serving on the IPO firms board. Second independent variable is Litigation Risk, as argued earlier, a firm about to make an IPO faces a trade-off in its pricing decisions. A higher offer price increases proceeds from the IPO, but it also raises the expected litigation costs. Two predictions emerge concerning the cross-sectional relations between IPO and inherent litigation risks. First, firms with higher litigation risk purchase more insurance, that is, they their shares by a greater amount (the insurance effect). Second, firms who choose higher levels of insurance incur lower expected litigation costs in the form of reduced probabilities of lawsuits. The third part is underwriting. The underwriter is playing to influence the public confidence about the company. If the company IPO is not over subscribe, the underwriter will be help that company to resell the IPO and maybe buying the IPO behalf of the company. When the company first time to setting the IPO price, it to hart to determine the suitable price because lack of expertise. The simple way to company is making negotiate with the underwriter. The issuer and underwriter is lock to the offer price regardless of the subscription of the market movement. Basically inside the underwriter agreement it conclude the underwritten fee, amount and whether the issue will indemnify the underwriter again all liability, cost and expence incur by the underwriter in relationship to the issue. 3.4 Dependent Variables This variable is computed as the difference between the high and low values in the range of offer prices established by the investment bankers. We calculate this measure as the (stock price at the time of IPO the firms book value)/stock price at the time of IPO. This price reflects the price at which the firms stock will be sold to initial investors on the opening day of trading. A firm litigation risk is also increasing in the volatility of the stock. One way to obtain the expected volatility is to use the standard deviation of prior stock returns. However, this is not feasible for IPO firms. Another alternative is to use the standard deviation of post-IPO returns. However, this is not observable prior to the IPO and may not be in the managers information set at the time of the offering. For (Smith, 1991 and Raghavat 1996) the company that issue the new security in public need the investment banking to become their underwriter in return for a commission comprise management fee, underwriting fee and the lastly the selling concession. The compny also must carefully choose their investment banker to become their underwriter, because the good of underwriter will be able this company increase their IPO price (negotiation and discussion between bank and company). One of the criteria is the underwriter must know the company industry, tern of propose offering, potential conflict of interest relating to the investment banker affiliation with the issuer competitor and the ability to the company provide research support after the offering price. 3.5 Research Modeling DEPENDENT VARIABLE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Prospectus Information Initial Public Offering Litigation Risk Underwriter E(à ¯?†¢i) = ÃŽÂ ²1 + ÃŽÂ ²2X2 + ÃŽÂ ²3X3 + ÃŽÂ ²Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Xà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ + à ¯? i. ÃŽÂ ²1 = Intercept, value of à ¯?†¢I when X2, X3, X4, equal to zero (0). ÃŽÂ ²2 = Changing in à ¯?†¢i when X2 change with assumption X3, X4, is constant. ÃŽÂ ²3 = Changing in à ¯?†¢i when X3 change with assumption X2, X4, is constant. ÃŽÂ ²4 = Changing in à ¯?†¢i when X4 change with assumption X2, X3, is constant. X2 = Prospectus information X3 = Underwriter X4 = Litigation risk à ¯? i = Yi error in population. The hypotheses are stated below: H0 = 0, mean has no significant relationship. H1 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0, mean has significant relationship. Prospectus information H0 = Prospectus information does not significant relationship to IPO H1 = Prospectus information has significant relationship to IPO Underwriter H0 = Underwriter does not significant relationship to IPO H1 = Underwriter has significant relationship to IPO Litigation risk H0 = Litigation risk does not significant relationship to IPO H1 = Litigation risk has significant relationship to IPO 3.6. Data Analysis The final stage of our methodology is data analysis. When the data already run we will elaborate on the various statistical test and make interpretation of the result. To analysis our research we use SPSS for window software. The data was analyse to identify, examine, compare and interpreted theme and pattern. The analysis has been started after the collection of all the necessary data basically come from secondary data collection. Use of this SPSS software is illustrated which mainly because they are easily available in business settings. In data analyses, we have three objectives, firstly getting a feel for the data, second testing the goodness of the data and lastly testing the hypotheses developed for the research.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Ernest Hemingway After Fitzgerald :: Biography Biographies Essays
Hemingway After Fitzgerald Hemingway after Fitzgerald continued to be the man everyone expected him to be, superficially at least. He was famous, adventurous, had affairs with women, and continued to dominate the literary world. In the end, however, these very characteristics brought him into a state of depression that would ultimately defeat him. In the words of Kelly Dupuis, "[Hemingway's] final years were haunted by some of the same ghosts that haunted Fitzgerald: alcoholism, mental illness (in this case his own) and a creeping sense of diminished self-worth"1 Hemingway did not attend Fitzgerald's funeral after his death on December 21, 1940. It is not known when or how he had received word while in Cuba and Hemingway made no public statement regarding Fitzgerald's death.2 After The Last Tycoon was released to warm receptions that deemed Fitzgerald as capable of more "mature" work, Hemingway remained unmoved with the stories, saying "Scott died inside himself at around the age of thirty to thirty-five and his creative powers died somewhat later...the book has that though it were a slab of bacon on which mold had grown" (Bruccoli, Dangerous 210). At this point in his life Hemingway had moved to a house outside Havana, Cuba with his wife Martha. While his public image continued to expand (seemingly at the expense of his work), he continued working on several writing projects that would later become Islands In The Stream and The Garden Of Eden. In 1942 (in one of the most bizarre stories I could imagine) Hemingway began an undercover operation with some friends and professional operatives to hunt down German submarines in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Cuba. He used his own boat, Pilar, and attached radio equipment and extra fuel tanks, hoping that, in the offchance he found a German sub, he could "drop a bomb down the hatch". They called themselves the "Crook Factory." Nothing ever came of their sub hunts except a good time fishing and drinking together, in the process irritating Martha who thought Hemingway was avoiding the responsibilities as a great writer to report the real war then raging in Europe".3 From May of 1 944 to March 1945 Hemingway served in London and France as Collier's correspondent. There he met his fourth wife, Mary Welsh, who he married in 1946. Throughout the 1950's Hemingway's reputation grew as a celebrity as his public image dominated the literary world with every new book he wrote. Ernest Hemingway After Fitzgerald :: Biography Biographies Essays Hemingway After Fitzgerald Hemingway after Fitzgerald continued to be the man everyone expected him to be, superficially at least. He was famous, adventurous, had affairs with women, and continued to dominate the literary world. In the end, however, these very characteristics brought him into a state of depression that would ultimately defeat him. In the words of Kelly Dupuis, "[Hemingway's] final years were haunted by some of the same ghosts that haunted Fitzgerald: alcoholism, mental illness (in this case his own) and a creeping sense of diminished self-worth"1 Hemingway did not attend Fitzgerald's funeral after his death on December 21, 1940. It is not known when or how he had received word while in Cuba and Hemingway made no public statement regarding Fitzgerald's death.2 After The Last Tycoon was released to warm receptions that deemed Fitzgerald as capable of more "mature" work, Hemingway remained unmoved with the stories, saying "Scott died inside himself at around the age of thirty to thirty-five and his creative powers died somewhat later...the book has that though it were a slab of bacon on which mold had grown" (Bruccoli, Dangerous 210). At this point in his life Hemingway had moved to a house outside Havana, Cuba with his wife Martha. While his public image continued to expand (seemingly at the expense of his work), he continued working on several writing projects that would later become Islands In The Stream and The Garden Of Eden. In 1942 (in one of the most bizarre stories I could imagine) Hemingway began an undercover operation with some friends and professional operatives to hunt down German submarines in the Atlantic ocean off the coast of Cuba. He used his own boat, Pilar, and attached radio equipment and extra fuel tanks, hoping that, in the offchance he found a German sub, he could "drop a bomb down the hatch". They called themselves the "Crook Factory." Nothing ever came of their sub hunts except a good time fishing and drinking together, in the process irritating Martha who thought Hemingway was avoiding the responsibilities as a great writer to report the real war then raging in Europe".3 From May of 1 944 to March 1945 Hemingway served in London and France as Collier's correspondent. There he met his fourth wife, Mary Welsh, who he married in 1946. Throughout the 1950's Hemingway's reputation grew as a celebrity as his public image dominated the literary world with every new book he wrote.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Research Paper: Models :: essays research papers
Research Paper: Models My research paper is going to consist of both a research paper and a album containing pictures that was collected. My research paper is going to provide information on what two guys imagine and think about when they think of women. These two guys are Mike, my friend and Timmy, my cousin. These guys are basically the guinea pigs in my experiment and their findings will be collected in the album. The other half of the research project is the paper that will not only explain the project but give information on the pressure that has been put on so many women to look like perfect and in many ways models. With the experiment, I handed both Mike and Timmy four magazines: two Mademoiselles and two Allures. I then asked them to go through them and rip out the pictures that they would want "their women" to look like. The collection of their ideal women is in the first half of the album. Notice that the pictures are mostly of models that are half dressed, thin and in provactedly positioned posies. The makeup on these women are all perfect and their hair is obviously not out of place. The selection of pictures not surprisingly were of women who not only were half dressed but also in their undergarments. The second half of the experiment was basically done in the same way; but this time I asked for them to tear out pictures that they would want their wives to look like. With four different magazines they tore out pictures of more conservetly dressed women. Their selection still consisted of beautiful women, only this time they were wearing clothes that the average person would be able to wear on the streets and not be called a dirty name. The women were still beautifully made up the a hair and makeup but this time it wasn't so dramatic; their poises were also "innocent"; I'm not surprised. But what did surprise me though was that their style in pajamas totally changed. In the first part of the experiment the two guys picked out the pictures of the women wearing what I would consider "tacky" nightgowns, but for their wives they picked out the pictures where "softer" and a lot less "showy" I guess at that point they did take into consideration that comfort is more important then what it looks like. These two guys, the guinea pigs, is a very small of a large majority of men with these expectations. From the information that I gathered from the guys, Mike and
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Avon Rubber Diving Aggressively Into Rebreather Market Essay
Rebreathers, the subject of this article, are an exciting new technology. The background and chemistry of rebreathers is quite interesting in that they were largely improved upon and regularly used by a famous American cave diver, Bill Stone, who wanted to more deeply explore underwater cave passages. He demonstrated his rebreather in 1987 to the diving community. They allow a human to breathe for long periods of time either underwater or in a different atmosphere. Through a carefully controlled exothermic reaction in one partition of the device, they essentially â€Å"scrub†exhaled carbon dioxide in order to allow it to be â€Å"rebreathed†in a closed system, hence the name of the equipment (Tabor, 2010). This article, which was just published on June 18th of this year, cites an acquisition and expansion by a company, Avon Rubber P. L. C. , in order to manufacture rebreathing devices. The fact that this article exists highlights the fact that they are fast becoming more widely used and sought-after. One main focal point of the article is the fact that the US Navy has commissioned Avon Rubber for a rebreather device worth an initial estimated $30 million to the company. The article mentions their future uses in diving and military applications, and it’s of note that the company is expanding into several countries to further develop â€Å"respiratory protection system technology†(McNulty, 2013). This article leads this reviewer to think about the exciting future possibilities in exploration that the advancement of rebreather technology will lead to. However, the questions raised, in this reviewer’s eyes, largely have to do with the safety aspects of rebreathers and the social issues surrounding their military use. The knowledge that our military is spending huge sums on rebreathers leads to the questioning of the need for such technology in a military fashion (instead of in an exploratory manner by NASA, for example). The risk factors involved are also rather high, especially as the technology becomes more widely available. An inherent problem with rebreathers is the swift death that can occur from breathing in carbon dioxide that has not been sufficiently â€Å"scrubbed†. As stated in the book Blind Descent, the user has no warning that the air they are breathing is tainted with insufficiently scrubbed CO2. Hopefully, this will be further perfected in advanced versions. Even though there will always be risks involved in their use, the very fact that we have been able to manipulate the chemistry of respiration in such a way is exciting in terms of human scientific advancement.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Human Activities In Causing Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay
Climate is altering in a horrid manner. The alteration is influenced both by natural ground and human activities. El Nino, the Earth surface temperature increased, acerb rains and many phenomenons are damaging the environment. Experts are worried about the rapid altering clime, because the alteration may bring people many large catastrophes. Worldwide people are seeking to happen the solution and salvage humanity. This essay will discourse how human activities contribute to climate alteration, and give some advice how to forestall the Earth.Human activities in doing clime alterationIt is clear that human activities accelerate the clime alteration. The first portion of essay will poll 2 human activities that consequence clime alteration.( 1 ) Burning fossil fuelsThe Earth surface temperature increasing owe to greenhouse gases, because they carry the short-wave radiation from the Sun to the Earth ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008 ) . Obviously, more nursery gases mean terrib le clime alteration. Before demoing the grounds of nursery gases growing, people need to understand what nursery gases are. The ground why people call these gases greenhouse gases is because they work like a glass nursery that heats up with the radiation trapped by the glass ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008 ) . Greenhouse gases are non merely one sort of gas, really it includes ‘water vapour, C dioxide, methane and azotic oxide ‘ ( NSW Department of Primary Industries, 2008:2 ) . Obviously, because of the high-ranking nursery gases concentration, the temperature became higher than earlier. However, firing fossil fuels are the arch-criminal of lifting nursery gases in atmospheric has accelerated. Excessive human emanations besides caused 1.4 & A ; deg ; F gone up in the past century ( Pew Centre on Global Climate Change, 2008b ) . Burning fossil fuels non merely do nursery gases to lend to climate alteration, but besides sulphur dioxide and N oxides. Sulphur d ioxide and N oxides contribute to climate alteration because of their ability to make acerb rain. Acid rains which have deadly influences on edifices, trees and animate beings are besides bad for clime ( John, S et Al. 2006 ) .( 2 ) Overexploitation of the natural resourcesApart from firing fossil fuels, the ground why clime alteration in such a fast manner is overuse of the natural resources. The natural resources on the Earth are limited, no affair non-renewable resources or renewable resources. It seems that the turning population of world does non recognize the facts ; people ever exploit more resources than people ‘s demand to do certain the tendency of growing. Conspicuously, overuse the nature resources becomes one portion of causing led to climate alteration. Peoples knows that many day-to-day supplies made from wood, such as documents, some apparels and furniture, ordered more and more trees felled. As antecedently mentioned, nursery gases are bad for clime, and one o f the methods to diminish is more workss. Braid can absorb C dioxide, and extenuate the consistence of nursery gases. However, the bad intelligence is that the solution is dissatisfying for overdriving the natural resources. As a consequence, deforestation exacerbates the clime. On the other manus, deforestation besides conduces to desertification which contributes on clime alteration. Land debasement can besides take to environmental debasement, poorness, migration and the rhythm of struggle, but besides frequently affected states and parts, political stableness hazards ( UNCCD: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, 2009 ) . Peoples who live here need to disforest to gain money to do unrecorded.Outline farther impairment may be preventedAfter discoursing the human activities, the 2nd portion of essay will convey frontward 2 solutions that may protect the environment.( 1 ) Government governmentAs mentioned above, firing fossil fuels is one of the human activities that contribute to climate alteration. Factories create electricity by firing fossil fuels. To work out the jobs, authorities government seems to be an indispensable method. Nowadays, there is an effectual policy that is accepted in Australia and some European states, which named ‘cap and trade ‘ ( Minter-Ellison, 2007 ) . The government relate to ‘electricity coevals, conveyance, industrial procedure, forestry, agribusiness and waste ‘ ( Minter-Ellison, 2007 ) . The policy means authorities will crest the nursery gases emanations for every mill or else. For case, a mill has to pay for the emanations if it emit more nursery gases than the cap, besides a mill can sale its emanations if it emit less nursery gases than the cap. With authorities government, people and mills are encouraged to cut down the step of firing fossil fuels. This is a good illustration for authorities to represent some policies, order emitters prevent environment on their ain inititiative.( 2 ) Exploit new energy and happen how to utilize the new energyThe 2nd solution is to work new energy, and happen how to utilize the new energy. Because people is used to fabricate some fuels by wooden, deforestation is difficult to avoid. Account for the job, to work new energy is at hand. Actually some new energy like air current and solar power have been found for many old ages, but for the bound of scientific discipline, people can non utilize the new energy good. For illustration, people have no thought approximately solar power when it is nebulose. Fortunately, PSEG Global, a company found the method to utilize air current and shop air current. Harmonizing to their proclamation, when air current power beyond the demand of consumer, they will hive away the air current in belowground caverns or in armored combat vehicles. During the peak hours, the stored air current will let go of and go energy ( Davidson, P. 2008 ) . Besides, scientist besides exploited some other new energy an d found how to utilize. E-Coal is one sort of new energy which substitutes for coal. E-Coal was called no nursery gases emanation fuel, because it was made by biomass, though E-Coal liberate C dioxide when combustion, E-Coal can absorb equal C dioxide during their life ( Davidson, P. 2008 ) . In decision, human activities like firing fossil fuels and overdriving the natural resources changed climate a batch. Merely nowadays people are cognizant of the importance of environmental, and get down to work out the jobs. Government and scientists have been working to happen the solution. Everyone lives in the Earth, so everybody has to make their best to protect environment. ( 950 words )
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